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Hydrometers measure the specific gravity of liquids or soil grains that are too fine for sieve analysis. The free floating device features a cylindrical stem with a ballast bulb bottom. Weighted with metal instead of lead or mercury, users simply read the graduated measurement at the meniscus. Optically clear for exact conclusions, hydrometers may come calibrated for specific tests. Range subdivisions and accuracy levels differ among the relative density analyzing instruments.

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Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   These plain form hydrometers are available in a variety of models measuring specific gravity/relative density (g/cm³) of liquids lighter and heavier than water in various ranges from 0.690 to 3.000.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   For use in determining proof ethyl alcohol spirits.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Available in a variety of models measuring specific gravity of heavy and light liquids in various ranges from 0.650 to 2.000 in accordance with the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) E100 standards.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Choose from two models, one measuring percent saturation of CaCl₂ in the range of 0 to 120%, and the other model measuring specific gravity/relative density (g/cmᶟ) from 1.000 to 1.280.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Used in the chemistry, pharmacology, food and beverage, and starch industries to name a few, these dual scale, plain form hydrometers measure specific gravity / relative density (g/cm<sup>3</sup>) of liquids lighter and heavier than water in various ranges from 0.700 to 2.00, and Baume in various ranges from 10° to 70°
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Used for measuring sodium chloride saturation of salt brines in various industries including food, fishing, and transportation.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Used in the food and beverage and other industries for measuring % sucrose by weight, these plain form hydrometers are available in various ranges from 0° to 71° Brix.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Measuring the percent by volume of isopropyl alcohol, these hydrometers are offered in two ranges, 0 to 50% or 50 to 100%.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Used in the chemistry, pharmacology, food and beverage, and starch industries to name a few, these dual scale, plain form hydrometers measure specific gravity/relative density (g/cm<sup>3</sup>) of liquids lighter and heavier than water and Baume.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Available in a wide range of models measuring specific gravity/relative density (g/cmᶟ) of a variety of liquids in various ranges from 0.600 to 1.920, with 0.0005 divisions.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Used to determine the specific gravity of soil in the range of 0.995 to 1.038, or -5 to 60 g/L (using a weight by volume scale), these hydrometers conform to the accuracy requirements of ASTM hydrometers.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   These plain form hydrometers are available in a variety of models measuring the relative densities (specific gravity) of oil and petroleum products in various ranges from –1° to 96° API in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) E100 standards.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   This wide range of combined-form hydrometers are used in the food and beverage, and other industries to measure % sucrose by weight in various ranges from 0° to 61° Brix, and include a convenient, built-in thermometer with a temperature scale of 0/50°C.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Available in a variety of models measuring Baume of syrups and other liquids heavier than water in various ranges from 0° to 70°, these plain form hydrometers are used in the chemistry, pharmacology, food and beverage, starch industries and more.

Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Dual scale hydrometer features thermometer in the bottom portion to permit temperature correction of test liquid.
Supplier:  VWR International
Description:   Available in a variety of individually calibrated models measuring specific gravity of petroleum products and heavy liquids in various ranges from 0.650 to 1.500, in accordance with the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) E100 standards
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